There are multiple paths for Tiktok to survive in the US market, claims the executive.

Tiktok to continue in US

Chinese video sharing social networking app ‘Tiktok’ will still be functioning in the US market. The general manager of the company for America said that the users in the US can still use the app.

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Tiktok might sell its business in America, as several US based companies have shown keen interest in purchasing the app. This development took place since the Chinese owners were asked to discontinue its operations in the US by president Donald Trump. It is said that if there is no acquisition of the company in the US within 90 days of the order was issued (which was on the 14th of August), Then by the end of September Tiktok will have to inevitably shut down in America. However, Vanessa Pappas the general manager of the company has said that Tiktok will still continue its operations in spite of the potential ban in America.

Pappas, who also manages the business of Tiktok in New Zealand, Australia and Canada told reporters that there are several ways for them to make sure that the Americans keep on using this great app and can provide an amazing experience to millions of users in the US who are dependent on it.

The executive order by Donald Trump was issued citing concerns over the national security which arose in the report of the CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States). The US counterpart has strongly condemned to the conclusions made by the CFIUS, also the outcome did not go well with the Chinese company added Pappas. There has been no evidence whatsoever submitted to back the assertions and claims made by the CFIUS.

TikTok in America has been fighting against these assertions that they are not divulging any data to the government of China; it says that the company is being managed by a CEO of American origin and no orders are followed from China. Microsoft in the interim has revealed that they have started talks with ByteDance to acquire the operations in the US. The Chinese firm owns Tiktok. News is also that Oracle is holding talks to acquire Tiktok in US.

Microsoft keen to aquire Tiktok

Until the 90-day deadline is not over, the future of Tiktok in the US is on shaky grounds, as it is still unclear if it is going to be acquired by a big company in America or determined tenacity TikTok employees in America, and right now it looks like the app is here to stay in America for a very long time. .

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