Fibromyalgia A New Lifestyle Disorder That Has A Great Affect On Corporate Workers

Fibromyalgia is more prone in corporate employees

A silent epidemic of fibromyalgia occurs among workers in the fast-paced corporate environment, where stress and impending deadlines are commonplace. An increasing number of hardworking professionals’ well-being is being jeopardized by this expanding lifestyle ailment, which is often disregarded or misinterpreted. It is, in fact, the product of an entirely mistreated, underutilized, ignored, listless, and impoverished existence.

We shall examine fibromyalgia’s definition, causes, risk factors, and other topics in this post. So go ahead and keep reading….

The founder and director of Gateway of Healing, Dr. Chandni Tugnait, M.D. (Alternative Medicines), psychotherapist, life coach, business coach, NLP expert, healer, and discussed the nature of this lifestyle disorder.

She described the symptoms of fibromyalgia as localized discomfort, weariness, sleep problems, soreness, and generalized musculoskeletal pain. Research has recently revealed that contemporary corporate working habits may be a significant risk factor for getting fibromyalgia, a condition that was previously thought to be solely psychosomatic. For those who are genetically inclined, fibromyalgia can develop as a result of extended hours spent in front of a computer, continual pressure to fulfil goals, job-related stress and anxiety, poor food habits deficient in nutrients, and insufficient physical exercise or sleep.

Employees that experience it often find themselves caught in a vicious cycle of weariness, sleep disturbances, and chronic pain, which makes it challenging to continue performing at their best at work. The issue is made worse by the lack of awareness of the disease in business settings, since those who are impacted often encounter mistrust and rejection from colleagues and managers,” the speaker continued Does This Happen?

The majority of us today demand a lot, wish a lot, and aim too much, but we want to do very little about it, according to Dr. Mickey Mehta, a world-renowned holistic health expert. This leads to feelings of disappointment, melancholy, irritation, anxiety, phobias, and hyperbolic state, which can further exacerbate physical and mental tiredness, inflammation of the body and muscles, pain in the muscles, unused muscles, and poorly maintained muscles.”

“The reasons could be childhood traumas, as some cases of them have been reported, or long-term adult depressive episodes, emotional hurt and pain, particularly resulting from deep insecurities from separation, partner abuse, losing out on child custody, divorce, friendships, and depressions resulting from long-term alcoholism and drug abuse. All of the communal trauma and suffering, whether it be overt or covert, apparent or subliminal, accumulated. “All of these might have caused an aggravation of my fibromyalgia,” he continued. Does It Affect Most?

This psychosomatic disease is more common among women, according to Apurva Singh Verma, Head: Products & Service Excellence at Elephant among The Room (EITHR) and a psychologist. “This arises within the strenuous environment characterised by prolonged working hours and escalating job expectations,” she stated.

How To Deal With It?

“Like in most diseases, in this case also what is most important is rest to repair, rest to restore, and rest to rejuvenate,” stated Dr. Mickey Mehta in this respect. The second step is to nourish in order to heal, restore, and revitalize. Consume healthfully.”

After the first two wellness pillars are met, optimum movement therapy should naturally begin at zero. gradually energizing your body, utilizing body weight, stretching, and breathing deeply into and out of your entire body—especially in the morning and outside in the sunshine and fresh air. This is followed by several observations of quiet, including sitting in silence, practicing meditation, and spending as much time as possible outside—in parks, gardens, or by the sea,” the speaker said.

In her speech, Apurva Singh Verma discussed the importance of recognizing and treating fibromyalgia in a business setting. This entails acknowledging its psychosomatic character as well as promoting a work environment that values resilience and overall well-being. Initiatives like raised awareness, customized instruction, and focused psychotherapy assistance are critical to achieving this. Together, these tactics help to foster an atmosphere at work where mental and physical health are given equal priority.” [Disclaimer: This article’s content, including the doctors’ suggested courses of treatment, is meant to be read for general informational reasons only. It is not intended to replace expert medical guidance, diagnosis, or care. Always consult your doctor or another licensed healthcare professional with any inquiries you may have about a medical issue.]

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