Russia claims first Coronavirus vaccine given to president Putin’s daughter.

Vladimir Putin president of Russia has claimed that the country has produced the first COVID-19 vaccine. The medicine as got the approval of the ministry of health in Russia. The Russians call it the first vaccine in the world to fight against COVID-19. However, President Putin claims that it is safe to use the vaccine. The news was broken merely two months after the testing was done on a human.

In a video conference on Tuesday Putin said that the country has managed to produce the first COVID vaccine in the world. The vaccine has cleared all the necessary tests and it will be named as Sputnik V. Putin also declared that his daughter has also been treated with the COVID-19 vaccine. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology from Moscow was able to develop the vaccine.  

Early testing revealed that the vaccine was positive in providing resistance against the coronavirus.   But the vaccine has yet to clear the phase III of the clinical trials, this means that not more than 100 people have been treated with the vaccine. Having said that, trials on a larger scale will take place which will involve thousands of people willing to take part in the trials.  

Kirill Dmitriev who heads the Sovereign wealth fund of Russia appreciated the efforts of the vaccine. He compared the vaccine development to that of the historic Sputnik moment. Kirill referred the vaccine development Sputnik 1 which was launched in 1957. He said that they have received orders for 1 billion doses, however the country is going to develop 500 million doses yearly to meet international demands. 

Brazil is also expected to start producing the vaccine. He said that clinical trials will commence in Philippines and UAE as well.  

Till now the vaccine has been a mere 10% successful. The registration and approval of the Sputnik V has been conditional with nonstop trials as the production of the vaccine begins.  The authorities have announced that he first dose of the vaccine will be given to health care workers.  

Russia is one of the several countries that is putting efforts to develop the vaccine. Recently Oxford University also made an announcement of a vaccine that is showing positive results.  

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